Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Sky turn into Starry and Wonderful again =P

haha..been so long din blogging already.. emm.. it seem like a bit blur blur and blank.. maybe coz too long din blogging ad i guess.. =P anyway, Lynna Tan is back and i am continue to blog it again.. haha..

it is about a year dy i guess for being stop blogging and i also ad finish my Uni life and even my internship at Royal Malaysia Customs and now i am a big big gal who is entering the Universal ad.. haha.. em.. it is a time for me to be a REAL GAL and mature d.. and my mission?
P = Plain, simple and Happy life ^^
I = Independent
K = King & Queen? (haha..of coz WIS
H it if can.. =P) Knowledgable
A = ATM machine? haha... is a "lover" i guess.. =P
C = Car + Condominium + CasH ($$)
H = High Paid Salary
U = Unlimited joyful

but sometimes it is very not easy for some1 to stay in plain and happy life. this is because LIFE is complicated and we gotta face the challenge everyday, every single in life~

( ~MY SWEET Internship Memory~)

Monday, March 22, 2010

~ Emo and RaiNNY Day~

today i wake up vy early, gastric whole nite and cnt sleep well.. =(
it such an aweful day from yesterday till now.. sigh.. =( haiz.. thr is again something happen... rili causing me always emo and feel vy vy dissapointed on a frenz.. he/she seem duno what is "respect" mean to a friendship? izzit thr is rili no trust or privacy of a friend toward a friend?

I wondering will a friend 4ward ur msg to another friend and laugh behind u together? "shoot" u or teasing u? even let another friend represent u and shoot u? izzit jz like a boom fall frm sky? haha.. the most will make u angry is nt the ppl come "make" u but is the trust and believe between a friend and a friend..it make me vy vy vy disspointed on him/her. Of coz, when u trust a friend? u will neva have any "self-defense" dy but... thr is styill one type of ppl who duno what is "respect" mean.. b frank, no1 will not angry or fed up about this ba? except u neva experienece it.. i suden feel that it jz like betraying.

sometimes i been think.. friend shud be ok to sharing and helping each other when need but..thr is still some ppl who may jz wanna "use" or gt advantages jz come to u.. haha.. izzit? the pure and true freidnship so hard to build? be frank, i neva meet such WORSE friend or ppl in my life and this is my 1st time.. haha..

Of Coz thr is still gt many Pure and True Bez Friend around me now.. and i promise i will appreciate them till the end of my life.. and rilli thank 4 some friend who rilli cheer me up when i down, make me happy when i cry and even "cure" my pain when i mid it.. rili rili thx.. ^^
Love u all.. =)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

1st post at Starry WonderLanD ^^

hehe.. erm..this is my 1st post at here.. thus, my Starry WonderLaND again "alive" after not available for quite a long period.. hehe.. however, here now can share a GOOD memory o.. hehe..

erm..yesterday i jz join a FinaL Sem gathering and it is a wonderful party and maybe after this, that will be so hard to gather and having such wonderful times d.. hehe.. so xtually quite happy coz gt join it.. ^^

v are xtually having our party at penang (Mois Club) thr,. but the main point is nt at the club but is the frenzs over thr. haha... eventhough after that it was vy vy vy tired sumore the eye vy unease but in the end success reach room and sleep and rest.. haha.. vy geng izzit? in the party, i cn see that all my frenzs are really "put down" the study and "stress-ing" face and they are rili enjoy it..haha.. me? NO NO NO.. i din drink but jz dance onli. haha... XD

hope eventhough v are graduate soon..but such memory and also all memory that v are been going tru will neva 4gt.. Cheer 4 "FrenZ 4 Eva!!" ^^V

p/s~ Mois Club? GreenLand MCD? haha.. may give me an un4gettable "experience" thr... haha...