Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Sky turn into Starry and Wonderful again =P

haha..been so long din blogging already.. emm.. it seem like a bit blur blur and blank.. maybe coz too long din blogging ad i guess.. =P anyway, Lynna Tan is back and i am continue to blog it again.. haha..

it is about a year dy i guess for being stop blogging and i also ad finish my Uni life and even my internship at Royal Malaysia Customs and now i am a big big gal who is entering the Universal ad.. haha.. em.. it is a time for me to be a REAL GAL and mature d.. and my mission?
P = Plain, simple and Happy life ^^
I = Independent
K = King & Queen? (haha..of coz WIS
H it if can.. =P) Knowledgable
A = ATM machine? haha... is a "lover" i guess.. =P
C = Car + Condominium + CasH ($$)
H = High Paid Salary
U = Unlimited joyful

but sometimes it is very not easy for some1 to stay in plain and happy life. this is because LIFE is complicated and we gotta face the challenge everyday, every single in life~

( ~MY SWEET Internship Memory~)