Thursday, March 31, 2011


emm.. it is about 10min to 12am and this would be another day, another mission and probably another target in my life again.. Just feel that life is really so short , just do what we wanna do.. yet, I had watched the L.A Battle movie and it did inspired me that we must really appreciate what we have and own now, Dont until lose it just know the price and just know to REGRET. To be honest, it damn s***.. emm.. but who never miss and got it?

So long didn't update my blog and of course BUSY with my job which just consider in stable condition.. =) However, I success closed my 1st Deal and I really appreciate with the people that helped me a lot especially my family, my manager, my Sydney Director and of course my friends. ^^ -1st of March 2011 -

Oops Oh My God, It is 12am now.. Happy April Fool to every1 in the world no matter u, him, her or any1 that get prank or "serve" or "prepare" surprise.. haha.. I guess my office tomorrow sure full of Fun, "holiday mood".. everyone sure walk around, talk s*** and joke around.. haha.. Plus, yesterday (31/3/2011) late evening, we just had ME Bowling competition and the winner may able to get 1 day off, 2nd prize- half day off while 3rd prize may get 2 hours lunch.. OMG!!! I want it so much, so that i can off tho~ >< Even though, it is tired after bowling but it is quite fun and happy~ ^^ Thank Gopi, Sha, Bouba and Era (my bowling teamates).. Haha.. =P

Times to sleep again~~ Really hope tomorrow is already Saturday and Please pass slowly tho~ and waiting to watch the movie of "Just Go With It'.. ^^

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