Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Heavy Breakfast!! >~<"
Can't imagine 15 days of CNY is finally end for 2012. I had a great CNY moments and manage to celebrate it happy and wonderful time. haha.. yesterday is the last day of CNY. well.. 'Happy Belated Chap Goh Meh'.

Early in the morning, I had woke up super early just because of wanna to breakfast at One of yummy XO Fish Head noodles at kuchai lama there. It is actually recommended by my friends who love to eat around.. >.< hahaha...

Tired face >.<

Starry starry sky.. ^^
During the Chap Goh Meh, chinese will never miss one of the important occasion - Throw orange get a great bf/hubby? haha.. lolz.. =P Yet, my friends and I manage to go Amcorp Mall there after the dinner. >.< The traffic is quite jam and the place is crowded and do u believe it? A lots of guys is really putting a big effort in getting their "gf".. >

P/s~ Happy Chinese Lunar Valentine. *May god bless everyone manage to found their love and having a sweet moments with their partner until the end of their life* ^^p

~ End for 2012 CNY ~

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